Using Twitter is not optional if you want influencers to share your blog or business. It is the fastest way to get influencers to spread your message and brand.

Twitter is the easiest way to connect with super busy people – especially if they have gatekeepers who answer their phone and even their email. Often even they will respond on Twitter, and even if they don’t their people will at least see your message and possibly ask for details or get it to them.

Unfortunately, many new Twitter users just don’t “get” Twitter right away. Some have Twitter accounts, but they don’t know how to effectively use them. Others don’t know where Twitter moved something after a redesign.

Even if you are a power Twitter user, I encourage you to take the time to watch this short (under 5 minutes) video from BrideAppeal on How to Use the New Twitter Layout. I bet you’ll learn something new. I did.

Tell the truth. Did you know where everything was?
Have you been using the Compose New Tweet button in the top right corner?

Here are some Twitter resources to help you get the most out of Twitter:

Do you have any Twitter tips you would like to share?
Know of a great post or video?
Leave them in the comments.


  1. Twitter is a great business tool, particularly for small business. Here in Honolulu there are several industries that have benefited from the smart use of Twitter to increase business. For example, food trucks, restaurants, pop-up retailers, and strip malls. Thanks for the 5 minute tutorial, it is pretty straight to the point. The only down side is that it may give too much away so that some social media specialists may be out of work. Just kidding, thank again!


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