
Pinterest Marketing Tips for Businesses and Blogs

Owners of businesses and blogs need to take a serious look at Pinterest because it can and does drive sales. Further down in this post I will...

Social Media: DIY or Hire a Pro?

Whether you plan to use social media for better PR outreach, marketing, or just listening to what customers have to say, the social media tools you use...

The Social Media Time Split: Where Should You Spend Your Time?

Social media can be effective both for personal and business networking (and even for marketing). But there are so many social media sites and tools that it...

Some of the Best Social Networks for Creative Professionals

In the past I ran a small music PR firm where I assisted musicians with online PR and social media. Now I follow an even stronger passion,...

Were Google Plus Pages Worth the Wait?

When Google Plus initially launched, both personal and business users flocked to the site. But before long those business users were told that their accounts weren't welcome...

3 Ways to Alienate Your Friends and Followers

You know that it's important to build your network or community when you use social media tools. But it's equally important that you maintain that community if...

Is “Content Marketing” the New Dirty Word in Social Media?

There's a new (well, sort of new) buzzword making the rounds these days. "Content marketing." Whether you've been doing it for years (under its other names) or...

Social Media Managers Can do More Harm Than Good

As companies big and small continue to move into social media to support other marketing and PR efforts, they're hiring social media managers to help lead the...

You’re a Social Media Whatsit? – An Overabundance of Social Media Job Titles

Social media buzzwords are all around us -- Web 2.0, engagement, community, conversation, influencers, and countless others. But have you realized how much social media buzzwords have...

We Know Where You Are (The Creepy Side of Geolocation)

These days businesses we frequent seem to know more and more about us. They know what we look at on their websites so they can pitch similar...

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