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Why You Should Subscribe to Social Implications

By subscribing to our RSS feed (or following our Twitter account which also serves as a feed for our blog posts), you never have to worry about missing a post from Social Implications! Get in on social media discussions as they’re happening and never feel late to the party again.

This is a great idea and very good news! I just joined Social Implications. From my experience working with Gail I know what a unique and valuable resource this is. Gail’s resourcefulness, extensive range of knowledge and expertise is extraordinary. I have posed a myriad of questions to Gail. She has consistantly addressed them all right on-target. Gail has the ability to see the details and the bigger picture of the situation that spawned a question in the first place. She prioritizes her response based on “first things first” and leaves you with resolve or a solution to take action on. Plus, Gail is an all around great person. Genuine and personable.

How to Subscribe to Social Implications

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What are RSS Feeds?

The term “RSS” stands for “really simple syndication” and it’s exactly what it sounds like. RSS feeds allow you to syndicate content from one or more blogs (or other type of site offering a feed). The syndicated feed can be viewed in a feed reader (also called an aggregator because it allows you to aggregate content from multiple sources to view their updates in one place). Our RSS feed will deliver our latest posts right to your favorite feed reader or to your email inbox when they go live on the site.

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