In the past I ran a small music PR firm where I assisted musicians with online PR and social media. Now I follow an even stronger passion, working full-time as a writer. Years of experience working with creative professionals and in my writing and publishing business have shown me the power social media can have in creative industries.

Social networks, even early on, were effective tools for connecting creative folks and their fans. They still are. But sometimes artists can get drowned out in the noise of general social networks. Today I’d like to highlight a few specialty social networks — some of the best currently available for creative professionals, whether they want to connect to fans or network with other artists.

Here are three of the best social networks for creative professionals that I’ve come across:


deviantART claims to be the “largest online social network for artists.” This is the first site that comes to mind when I think of visual artists. Whether you’re interested in sharing your digital designs or more traditional art like paintings, this is the place to be. Not only can you showcase your art and use deviantART as a portfolio platform, but it’s a great place to connect with other artists to share inspiration and constructive feedback.



You might think of Goodreads as more of a review-centric site for readers, but it’s also a great social networking tool for authors. Goodreads lets authors set up free profiles which they can use to connect with readers and fans, including hosting an author blog on the site.



SellaBand is a European site connecting bands with their fans. Musicians can publish blog posts on their profiles and interact through their walls with fans. What makes this site stand out? Not only is it a network where musicians and fans can communicate, but it’s actually designed to attract fan funding for independent recording and album releases. In other words, fans decide who they like and can fund an album, cutting out the middlemen.


By no means are these the only social networks set up specifically for creative professionals and their fans. What are your favorites? If you’re an artist of any kind, what social media tools do you find most effective? If you’re a fan, where do you like to connect with musicians, artists, and authors you enjoy? Share a link to your favorite art-related social networks in the comments below.



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