Even if you can’t seem to build a community of active followers/readers, you should have a blog. Blogs have been considered an essential marketing tool for some time. And there is good reason for that, at least there should be. Every corporate marketing activity must be tied to a shareholder benefit.

Advantages to Having a Corporate Blog

Blogs are rather inexpensive. The popular Blogger and WordPress blogs are free. Opt for a custom URL and you’ll still pay less than $20 annually.

A blog improves your SERP and SEO. Be sure to use links whenever possible; links to your website, social media presences, and related blogs or articles. Google likes fresh content. Tie your blog directly to your website, if possible. But, remember that many corporate blogs began to host information not appropriate for the more static, more professional website.

Relationship building and becoming known as a subject matter expert – two great reasons to blog. Easily publish detailed information and answer client questions on your blog. The less formal style and opportunity to comment, makes blogs more likely to start conversations and engage your audience than a blog. A blog is more likely to find returning viewers than a website.

Test marketing, focus groups, and surveys can all be done informally on a blog and for an insignificant cost compared to their alternatives. Ask the right questions to learn about the real needs and wants of your customers. Use the laddering technique to find the values that motivate a consumer to buy.

Tips to Improve Your Blog

Get More Followers

Talk to, not at your audience. Know what they want and respond to feedback. Don’t use too much technical jargon. Include a picture at least every couple of posts. Let some personality shine through, don’t be too dry.

Does your blog have a central theme? It should. Outline your objectives and what will benefit your audience. Choose a theme a list of topics that would be of interest to your ideal clientele. Be open, friendly, and positive. But accept criticism and respond to all comments.

Let the audience get to know you/the company. Showcase the writers, people in the organization, and current projects.


A blog done improperly has the power to ruin brand image and credibility you’ve worked so hard to establish. Know your goals and objectives in advance. Keep continuity with your other marketing efforts. And be aware that your blog audience may be a younger demographic.

Be patient and consistent. It may take several months for your blog to be indexed well. Post regularly and at the same time each day/week. Blogging requires significant writing and SEO knowledge. Hiring a freelancer or professional blogger may bode well for you, especially during the launch.

The blogosphere is filled with lots of noise from millions of bloggers, but if you combine the brand image you’ve created, the credibility of your name, and the talent of a writer who knows SEO – you can have a successful blog that attracts an audience. And because people like doing business with people/companies they like, you will see results. Look for more green in your bottom line.

By: Terra L. Fletcher, find her yet undiscovered blog at fletcherfreelance.blogspot.com


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